New York Financial Organizers’ mission is to bring order, ease and peace-of-mind to our clients. We do this by managing the day-to-day financial tasks that can overwhelm the people we help.
As your Financial Organizer NYFO does not take the place of professionals in the accounting, investment, legal or social service fields. Our services complement the work of other professionals by facilitating the completion of the day-to-day tasks rather than determining long-term plans.
As an example, by organizing and maintaining accurate financial records, NYFO can easily compile the necessary documents for tax preparation by an accountant. When your accountant has prepared the required tax returns, NYFO makes sure they are correctly signed, that the appropriate checks are attached, and that returns are mailed on time.
NYFO does not offer legal, investment, tax or medical advice. However, we have relationships with numerous professionals, with an abundance of different specialties. By understanding your needs, and pertinent issues, NYFO can refer you to organizations and professionals qualified to provide the other services you may need.